Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Governor Announces Free Income Tax Assistance Available Through the Ohio Benefit Bank
The assistance is offered through The Ohio Benefit Bank - a free service that provides help for low and moderate-income Ohioans to claim tax credits and other work support benefits.
"Completing a tax return can often be a complex and time-consuming process. That's why I encourage Ohioans who need assistance to take advantage of the Benefit Bank's tax preparaion services," Strickland said. "Benefit Bank counselors stand ready to help families with their taxes as well as determine their potential eligibility for additional benefits."
Ohio Benefit Bank is offered through a public-private partnership between the Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks and more than 400 faith-based, non-profit, governmental and private-sector partners.
Trained counselors are currently staffing more than 120 Benefit Bank sites and clinics across the state to help prepare and file federal and Ohio income tax returns at no cost to eligible Ohioans. Free income tax assistance is also available through an online, self-service program at www.OBB.Ohio.Gov. Ohio public libraries are also partnering with the Benefit Bank to provide internet access and encourage individuals to utilize the online program.
Ohioans can also check potential eligibility for other work support benefits such as health care coverage, home energy assistance, child care subsidies and food stamps at Benefit Banks sites and clinics or online.
To identify tax assistance services available in local communities or to get additional information on the Benefit Bank, please call 1-800-648-1176 or visit www.OBB.Ohio.Gov.
In less than 18 months of operations, the Benefit Bank has helped more than 7,500 Ohioans claim more than $9 million in tax credits and other work supports.
However, more than $1.6 billion dollars in tax credits and other supports go unclaimed by eligible Ohioans who do not apply. More than 95 percent of these unclaimed funds are federal dollars. This includes more than 165,000 Ohioans who do not claim the Earned Income Tax Credit.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Upcoming Main Library Events
OSU Extension
Peanut Butter Possibilities
Monday, March 10
OSU Extension
Eggscellent Ideas
Saturday, April 12
Author Charles Lux
Presentation & Book Signing
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Soup Scoop
The program will take place on Thursday, January 24th at
Friday, January 4, 2008
Computer Classes
In addition, the library will be holding an Internet class. The requirement for this class is a basic knowledge of using the computer, keyboard, and mouse, and opening and closing programs. If you do not possess these basic skills, you will need to start with the “Basics of Computers” class.
An E-mail class will also be available. As with the “Internet” class, the requirement for this class is a basic knowledge of using the computer, keyboard, and mouse, and opening and closing programs. In addition to these requirements, you must also have basic internet skills. If you do not possess these basic skills, you will need to start with the “Basics of Computers” class and/or “Internet” class as appropriate.
All classes are FREE and will be held at the Main Library located at
Basics of Computers – Thursday, January 24th & Thursday, February 14th
Internet - Thursday, January 31st & Wednesday, February 20th
Email - Thursday, February 7th & Thursday, February 28th
We will be continuing to offer computer classes throughout the year. Future dates will be announced as they are scheduled.