Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving at the Eastern Branch Library

At Eastern, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast for storytime.
We read a story and went around the room and gave the children an opportunity to say what they where thankful for. Then, we ate all kinds of good food and played "put the
gobbler on the turkey!"

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gifts in a Jar

On Tuesday, December 4 at 2:00 pm, Sherry Williams from the OSU Extension Office will be showing everyone at the Western Branch Library how to make homemade gifts in a jar.

Prior registration is required for this event. This will ensure that the participants will have adequate supplies to make a gift. All participants must bring their own quart jar with a lid. Call the Western Branch Library if you have questions or to register for this event.

Telephone: (740) 493-1745

We hope to see you there!

Thanksgiving Storytime

The Western Branch Library had a special Thanksgiving Storytime on Monday evening. We talked and read about the first Thanksgiving, then read the book " Thanksgiving Is For Giving Thanks," by Margaret Sutherland. After the story, the children enjoyed Thanksgiving themed treats.

On Tuesday, a great group of children from the Idaho Head Start came to visit the library for storytime. We again read " Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks," and many of the children expressed the things they were thankful for this year .

The Western Library Staff would like to wish everyone
a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Eastern's Thanksgiving Festivities

On Tuesday Nov 20th at 6:00 the Eastern Branch Library will be having a Thanksgiving Feast. The children will be telling us what they are thankful for. The theme story will be the First Thanksgiving, along with food and games.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Special Thanksgiving Storytime

On Monday, November 19th at 6:30, the Western Branch will have a special Thanksgiving Storytime. We will be reading a book about the first Thanksgiving. There will be treats and special foods to go along with the theme of Thanksgiving. There will be a coloring contest starting Tuesday, November 13th, which will end on Monday, November 19th. The winners will receive a prize. Children may dress as pilgrims or Indians for this story time.

If you have any questions, call the Western Branch Library at 493-1745.

Come join in the fun!

CD Collection

In order to make looking for CDs a little easier for everyone, we have made a few changes in the way we organize our collection. When someone looks up a CD in the catalog, it will now display the genre of the album and corresponding colored dot on the shelf, along with the first three letters for locating it alphabetically, within each genre.

For example, if you look up the Jimi Hendrix album, Are You Experienced, you will see this:

Subject: Pop/Rock/Rap - Orange dot. CD ARE

This is to tell you that it's alphabetized under "A" in the Pop/Rock/Rap section. All of these Cds have orange dots on them.

We'll continue to do everything we can to make things easier for everyone!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Used Equipment Sale

The library will have a used computer equipment sale by sealed bid in the Community Meeting Room at the Waverly Branch Library on Tuesday, November 13th and Wednesday, November 14th from 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on both days.

Items for sale include used computer systems, components, and printers. In addition, bids will be taken for two new printers, a VHS RCA Camcorder and other items. The items will be sold in their current condition, via sealed bid. The highest bid for each item will be accepted. The library is located at 207 North Market Street in Waverly, Ohio.

All proceeds will benefit the library.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Children's Book Week

Children's Book Week is November 12th -18th.

To celebrate this event the Children's Department will be having several
guessing contests and a "vote for your favorite Thanksgiving book". We will
also be having a special preschool story time on Wednesday, November 14th.
Winners of the guessing contests and the favorite Thanksgiving book
will be announced at the end of Children's Book Week.

Join in the fun and help us celebrate Children's Book Week!

Gifts in a Jar

Sherry Williams, from the OSU Extension Office, will be showing everyone at the Piketon Library how to make homemade gifts in a jar on Wednesday, December 5th at 1:30pm.

Prior registration is required for this event. This will ensure that the participants will have adequate supplies to make a gift. All participants must bring their own quart jar with a lid. Call the Piketon Branch Library if you have questions or to register for this event.

Telephone: (740) 289-3064

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Spirit of America

The Library is honored with the donation of the "Spirit of America" Christmas Tree. The tree was auctioned off as part of the 2007 Festival of Trees which benefits the Pike Community Hospital. The "Spirit of America" was purchased and donated to the Library by Linda James. The tree was sponsored by Mary Alice Cisco and decorated by Mary Alice Cisco, Rachel Nickell, Galenda Osborne, Sue Isaac, Cheryl Tackett, Josie Tackett and Sarah Harris. The Library would like to thank every one who had a part in this beautiful tree and the 2007 Fall Festival of Trees. The "Spirit of America" is on display at the Waverly library.

OSU Program at the Eastern Branch Library

The Eastern Branch Library will be hosting a program with Sherry Williams of the Ohio State Extention Office. She will be sharing a recipe for Pumpkin Mousse along with other healthy information. Join us Thursday, November 29th at 1:30 for the food and fun!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Time to Vote!

At the age of 18 we get the right to vote, but we should also understand it is a privilege to get to vote. You don’t have to pass a test or pay a fee or know somebody on the inside to be able to vote. You just have to register. Fill out a short form and you, too, can be part of this great democracy. The Polls are open until 7:30 so take the time to be a part.

Contact the Pike County Board of Elections for more information:

230 Waverly Plaza, Suite 1100
Waverly, OH 45690

(740) 947-4512

Hours:8:30am — noon; 1:00pm — 4:00pm Monday — Friday

Vote today!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Waverly's Halloween Party

We had a great Halloween party, 42 total. Everyone really enjoyed themselves. We paraded around the library and showed off our costumes...then it was time to party! We had lots of yummy treats and everyone went home with a full tummy!

Piketon's Halloween Party

Piketon's Halloween Party was held Thursday, October 25th. Even though we had a small amount of goblins, the children had a blast. We played games, danced to spooky music, paraded through the library for trick or treat candy, wrapped Marla and Jessica up like mummies with toilet paper, and ended the evening with the children's favorite snacks. Susan was our candy dispenser for the parade of goblins. A good time was had by all!

Eastern's Halloween Party

Eastern's Halloween party was great! The room was filled with spiderwebs and bats. The kids had a feast fit for the scariest ghouls. There were 25 of the scariest creatures in Beaver and 10 adult that tagged along for all the Halloween fun and food.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Children's Fall Party at Western

We had our Children's Fall Storytime Party on Monday evening at the Western Branch Library.

Everyone had a blast! Parents were literally wrapped up in the games, as the children were separated into two teams, with a parent leading each team. First, we played "pin the nose on the pumpkin," which everyone played like a pro. Everyone was a winner!

There was another game where the children were given five pumpkin seeds each and had their choice of tossing or spitting (yes spitting) their seeds into a pumpkin. And you might be able to guess which one they preferred. The one with the most seeds into the pumpkin was the winner. Parents loved this game as well as the children.

The children also enjoyed the last game of the day, "eating worms." We put a gummy worm into the bottom of a bowl and covered it with a thin layer of chocolate pudding. The first one to fish out the gummy worm with their teeth and eat it was the winner. The children and parents both left the library with big smiles and lots of laughter. "Thank You" to everyone who took part in putting it all together and ensuring that everything went so smoothly.